Many black campaign issues circulated when the campaign period even occurred during the calm until the election. The West Java Governor Election 2018 was one of the regional head elections which found many black campaign issues that threatened the political security of a region. Ridwan Kamil is the Candidate of the Governor of West Java who has received the most black campaign attacks, ranging from issues of political leadership, religion, to support for sexual deviation behavior. These issues are circulating more on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and messenger applications such as whatsapps. These issues are easily accessed by smart mobile users. Beginner voters are one of the active users of social media and messenger. Beginner voters' perceptions of these issues are interesting to discuss finding out their understanding of issues regarding politics. Selected beginner voters are among high school students of class XII in Bandung with Forum Group Discussion (FGD) method. Their perceptions tend to be the same even though there are differences in perceptions of different issues. Overall, perceptions on the issue of black campaigns circulating in the media are not easy to believe, which has positive implications for regional political resilience.
Isu-isu kampanye hitam banyak beredar pada saat masa kampanye bahkan terjadi pada masa tenang sampai menjelang pencoblosan. Pemilihan Gubernur Jawa Barat 2018 salah satu pemilihan kepala daerah yang banyak ditemukan isu kampanye hitam yang mengancam ketahanan politik suatu wilayah. Ridwan Kamil merupakan Calon Gubernur Jawa Barat yang paling banyak mendapat serangan kampanye hitam, mulai dari isu kepemimpinan politik, agama, sampai dukungan terhadap perilaku penyimpangan seksual. Isu-isu tersebut lebih banyak beredar di media sosial seperti facebook, twitter, serta aplikasi messenger seperti whatsapps. Isu-isu tersebut mudah diakses oleh pengguna ponsel pintar Pemilih pemula merupakan salah satu pengguna aktif media sosial dan messenger. Persepsi pemilih pemula terhadap isu-isu tersebut menarik untuk dibahas untuk mengetahui pemahaman mereka tentang isu-isu berkenaan dengan politik. Pemilih pemula yang dipilih yaitu dari kalangan pelajar SMA kelas XII di Kota Bandung dengan metode Forum Group Discussion (FGD). Persepsi mereka cenderung sama meskipun ada beberapa perbedaan persepsi atas isu yang berbeda. Secara keseluruhan, persepsi pada isu kampanye hitam yang beredar di media tidak mudah dipercaya sehingga berimplikasi positif terhadap ketahanan politik wilayah.