
fauzi caniago fauzi


Sacrifice is a worship that is prescribed since the time of the Prophet Adam, Prophet Ibrahim, then after the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad, the sacrifice of worship is also prescribed to the people of the Prophet Muhammad by slaughtering livestock that have been determined by the Shariah. Basically, qurban is a worship that is prescribed by Allah SWT, which aims to increase the obedience and obedience of a servant to his Lord who has a social value, also aims to foster a person who has faith and is devoted to Allah SWT. Qurban is prescribed by Allah SWT to revive the distress of the Prophet Ibrahim as, and provide relief for humanity on the day of ‘id Al-Adha. Thus, qurban is a form of worship that has a very high social value. Takmir mosque has a very important role so that the spirit of sacrifice in the community is higher. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study, using secondary data types and using document study data collection techniques. In general, it can be concluded that the efforts of mosque takmir in increasing the spirit of sacrifice in society are as follows: 1). cultural propaganda approach, 2). structural da'wah approach.


How to Cite
fauzi, fauzi caniago. (2018). UPAYA TAKMIR MASJID Al-MUHAJIRIN DALAM MENINGKATKAN SEMANGAT BERKURBAN DI MASYARAKAT. TEXTURA, 5(2), 106 - 122. Retrieved from https://journal.piksi.ac.id/index.php/TEXTURA/article/view/36