Infokom is an abbreviation of Informatics and Computers. The birth of Infocom is expected to be able to present a comprehensive body of theories, systems, methods, policies and applications in economic and business research and studies. Although chosen for a broader field, but Infokom has a focus or scope that can actually overshadow the subfields of science in Informatics and Computer science. Information and Communication is made to facilitate the results of research, scientific studies and analysis and problem solving that is closely related to the field of Information Technology and Communication / Information Technology. The fields of study include Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber ??Ethnic, E-Commerce, E-Government, E-Learning, Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Information Systems, Software Engineering, Enterprise Architecture, Databases, Data Mining, Data Security, Network Engineering, Network Security. During a long period of time, 2009-2018, Infokom existed as a printed journal with ISSN 2339-188x with time published twice a year, June and December. The year 2020 is the beginning of Infokom's new history of being present as an online journal.

Published: 2018-06-17

Abstract views: 149, pdf downloads: 318
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Abstract views: 25, pdf downloads: 127
Abstract views: 525, pdf downloads: 1514
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Abstract views: 37, pdf downloads: 117
Abstract views: 86, pdf downloads: 92
Abstract views: 36, pdf downloads: 366
Abstract views: 49, pdf downloads: 265