Proceedings 2022-10-22T09:13:16+00:00 Open Journal Systems <pre>Proceedings Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha<br>Journal Abbrev : Proceedings<br>Frequency : 2 issues per year<br>Print ISSN : 2407-1722<br>Online ISSN : - (Proses)<br>Advisor : Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto<br> Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P<br>Chairman : Dr. H. K. Prihartono AH, S.Kom., MM., MOS., CMA., MPM. <br>Editor/Reviewer : Dr. Rita Zulbetti, S.Si., MM<br> Mira Veranita, Dra., M.Si<br>Editor in Chief : Ai Susi Susanti, A.Md.Kes., S.ST., M.M., MOS<br>Citation analysis : Google Scholar<br>Journal Scope : Click here</pre> PHP WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT AT SDN 1 CIHAMPELAS, BANDUNG BARAT REGENCY 2022-10-21T09:16:06+00:00 Fitri Najila Doni Pajar <p><em>The website serves as a medium that makes it easier for schools to share information with parents, teachers and students. The website is also a medium of communication for the school with other relevant agencies. The aim of this research is; designing a website information system for SDN 1 Cihampelas School. The system approach method uses the waterfall model. The waterfall model is a systematic and sequential software approach starting from the level of analysis, design, code, testing, and maintenance. The website design of SDN 1 Cihampelas requires a lot of new data to be inputted to become data that will be displayed on the website because school data has been synchronized by the Ministry of Education and Culture through Dapodik data.</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:03:51+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings Employee Workload Data Processing Information System Using Android- Based Time Motion Study Method 2022-10-21T09:16:06+00:00 Achmadi Hudadin Albarqi Yodhi Yuniarthe Romi Hendri <p><em>The production process carried out by PT. Umas Jaya Agrotama which is carried out continuously for 24 hours in order to meet the company's achievement targets with a production capacity of 80,000 tons per year with a total of 105 employees while the production process is only stopped when the cassava stock runs out or when a thorough machine maintenance will be carried out. It is known that the data on the number of employees and the company's achievement targets are not balanced, therefore the company measures the workload of employees to obtain data related to the workload that is borne by each employee. The purpose of this study was to assist companies in designing and building an information system for processing employee workload data using the Android-based time motion study method. This information system was developed using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method so that the resulting information system is in accordance with user needs with a shorter processing time. The method used to measure the workload of employees in this study is the Time Motion Study, which is a method that measures the workload of employees by recording movement and time.</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:09:09+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings DESIGN AND BUILD LEARNING APPLICATIONS FOR CHILDREN AGED 4-8 YEARS BASED ON ANDROID 2022-10-21T09:16:06+00:00 Rixi Aditiya M.Budi Hartanto, M.Kom <p><em>An Android-based Children's Educational Game Design has been created with the aim of creating learning media for children through a game, to make children more interested in learning to recognize numbers and pictures and to build children's memory to recognize numbers more easily. At the time of making educational game applications for children, researchers used Mit App Inventor and used Game Rapid Application Development (RAD) development methods. The system design method used is the Unified Modeling Language UML. The results of the implementation of the design of educational games that have been made will display in the form of game menus, level games that will be played by children.</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:15:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings DESIGN OF AN INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR EMPLOYEE PAYMENT BASED ON MICROSOFT ACCESS ON OPRONG STICKERS AND VISUAL BASIC.NET.docx 2022-10-22T09:13:16+00:00 Evelyn Lasmaida Manurung Rubiatna Hardja Ahmad Annas <p><em>The information system supports many activities to be more effective and efficient. One of its function is to make the workload becomes easier and faster. Salary information system has purpose to give more accurate for the data generated in the report. In the payroll information system that is running, there are still some obstacles both in data recording which still uses manual data written in the ledger and recap book and the data storage is not safe so it is very possible for errors to occur in recording and searching data. Based on this background, the authors are encouraged to create a payroll information system program based on visual which is expected to help the salary calculation process become more effective and efficient.The research has purpose to know about the current system and weaknesses on the program. Data collection conducted by using observation and interview method due to the problems and obstacles happening in Oprong Sticker. The suggestion of this research will be proposed to handle the current weakness and replace the old system to the new system also to develop administration system which leads to bring new environment of compensation process that respond faster service to employees later.</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:24:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings VISUAL BASIC.NET-BASED DESIGN OF DAILY EMPLOYEE PAYMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ON CV.BAROKAH 2022-10-21T09:16:06+00:00 Indah Lestari Dewi Rubiatna Hardja Ahmad Anas <p><em> Barokah is a company in the garment/convection business, and currently has obstacles or obstacles in the employee payroll information system, because there is no application-based information system where the process is still carried out semi- computerized by using Microsoft Excel and the rest is still manual, causing less accurate, effective, and efficient in data processing. This study aims to change the system that still uses Microsoft Excel into a CV. Barokah daily employee payroll information system in the form of a programming application, as well as knowing how to work, constraints, and obstacles that exist as well as making efforts to overcome them so that the employee payroll information system can run effectively. and efficient. The data collection method used is by conducting observations and interviews related to the constraints or obstacles that exist in the system at CV.Barokah. In addition, the author also conducted a literature study to support the theory needed in the preparation of the thesis. The design of this information system uses the Visual Basic .NET 2010 and Microsoft Access 2010 programming languages as the database. The advice given to improve the employee payroll information system of CV. Barokah is to replace the old system with a new system.</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:34:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings DESIGN OF NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION DATA INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON VISUAL BASIC.NET AT SDN SUKAMERTA II IN KARAWANG 2022-10-21T09:16:06+00:00 Rachmania Aurora Basri Ahmad Anas Kuni Hidayatal Masruroh <p><em>This study aims to find out how the work, constraints, and obstacles that exist in SDN Sukamerta II and also make efforts to overcome them. The data collection method used is by conducting observations and interviews. Currently, the thing that is still an obstacle or obstacle in the new student registration data information system at SDN Sukamerta II Karawang is the unavailability of an application-based information system where the process is still carried out semi- computerized by using Microsoft Excel and the rest are still manual, causing less accurate, effective, and efficient. The design of this information system uses the Visual Basic .NET 2008 and Microsoft Access 2010 programming languages as the database. The design of the information system is summarized in the Waterfall Method.</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:39:51+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings DESIGN OF A NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON VISUAL BASIC.NET AT SMP N 2 PATOKBEUSI IN SUBANG 2022-10-21T09:16:06+00:00 Cindi Anggraeni Ahmad Anas Rubiatna Hardja <p><em>This research is conducted at SMP N 2 Patokbeusi during new student registration process which is manualy or computerized but limited to Microsoft Excel, so that many weakness and mistakes. Problem formulation from this research is how to make information system applied at SMP N 2 Patokbeusi. Research method conducted are observation, analysis, design, trial and implementation. This student registration information system is built by VB.Net its program and MYSQL as its database. Result at this reserch in information sytem based on web which has ability to give convinience to new students parent in doing registration online process.</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:45:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings A PHARMACY OF FAATIH FARMA'S DESIGN OF INFORMATION SYSTEM OF DRUG INVENTORY DATA BASED ON VB.Net 2022-10-21T09:16:06+00:00 Tika Kartika Lestari Rubiatna Hardja Ahmad Anas <p><em>Computer is a tool to equip jobs, whether in the manufacture of hardware and software. Faatih Farma Dispensary requires an accurate information system to support the company's activities. For this reason, the author to make research on the design of the medicine supply system at the Faatih Farma Dispensary which is still using manuals with ledgers. To overcome this problem, a medicine supply system program was created at Faatih Farma Dispensary. By the aim of producing information that is more efficient, faster, more accurate, and can be used as a basic reference to solve existing problems. The medicine inventory information system uses the Visual Basic Net 2010 programming language. The results of the medicine inventory information system design consists of several transactions, such us officer data, medicine stock data, supplier data, incoming data, outgoing data and overall reports.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:49:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings DESIGN OF A WEB-BASED INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION AT TPQ NURUL HIDAYAH'S AL QUR'AN KINDERGARTEN 2022-10-21T09:16:06+00:00 Novi Liflivia Haris Abu Bakar Sidik Ahmad Anas <p><em>Nurul Hidayah Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ) is an educational institution that plays an important role in educating students. So far, institutions are still processing and presenting registration information using manual ledgers and manual form data. Therefore, the authors create a web-based registration information system that can facilitate institutional employees in managing data for new students. The author's goal to create a web-based registration information system is to make it easier for prospective students to register and institutions to get accurate, fast, and efficient data. The software used is XAMPP, PHP, and mysql database.</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:54:03+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings DESIGN OF A WEB-BASED TEACHER PAYMENT SYSTEM FOR HONORERS AT PURWASARI IV SDN 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Winda Sri Mulyani Rubiatna Hardja Ahmad Anas <p><em>Payroll system is a function of a human resource management. Its main role is to reward teachers in the form of salaries in exchange for contributions to the school and their performance. The author aims to minimize the risk of duplication and erasure of data, Facilitate the presentation of reports so that they can be generated automatically, Facilitate treasurer staff in managing the calculation of teacher teaching fees at SDN Purwasari IV. In its application using the waterfall model, the Waterfall method is a sequential software development process, passing through the phases of planning, modeling, implementation and testing. The system modeling uses Usecase diagrams, activity diagrams and class diagrams. Thus the results of the design of the honorary teacher payroll system are expected to make it easier to process data and the teacher payroll process that was previously done manually with Microsoft Excel can now improve data security and minimize duplication or data loss. Can make it easier for staff in making teacher payroll reports that can be created automatically. Can minimize the risk of errors in the number of calculations.</em></p> 2022-10-10T12:59:49+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings VISUAL BASIC.NET-BASED DESIGN OF CONTRACT EMPLOYEE ACCEPTANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM IN PT. TVS MOTOR COMPANY OF INDONESIAN 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Dadang Winarsa Saeful Moehi Ahmad Anas <p>This study aims to determine the information system of registration data for Contract Employees at PT.TVS Motor Company Indonesia in Karawang, and to find out how it works, obstacles, and obstacles that exist as well as making efforts to overcome them. The data collection method used is by conducting observations and interviews. Currently the thing that is still an obstacle or obstacle in the Contract Employee registration data system at PT.TVS Motor Company Indonesia Karawang is the unavailability of an application-based information system where the process is still carried out semi-computerized by using Microsoft Excel and the rest is still manual, causing it to be less accurate, effective. , and efficient data processing. The design of this information system uses the Visual Basic .NET 2010 and Microsoft Access 2010 programming languages as the database. Suggestions are given to improve the contract employee registration data information system at TVS Motor Company Indonesia in Karawang to replace the old system with the new system.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2022-10-10T13:04:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings KHAESYA CCTV'S WEB-BASED CCTV SALES INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Ari Setian Syah Ahmad Anas <p><em>WEB-Based Cctv Sales Information System Design at Khaesya Cctv. The main objective of this research is to increase the sales of CCTV products in Khaesya CCTV. Through web-based information system design.The subjects of this research are admin and users. The results of the study show that the operation of this application helps the performance of CCTV cameras in delivering product and price information so that information is more easily accessible anytime and anywhere. Previously, Khaesya CCTV still used the conventional sales method system to become web-based, so that sales promotions were more efficient and easily accessible by anyone. The conclusion of this study is that the application of a web-based CCTV sales information system can help smooth sales at Khaesya CCTV.</em></p> 2022-10-10T13:08:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings Based on Visual Basic.NET and Microsoft Access, the NURSANAH Perfume Shop in Karawang designed a perfume sales information system 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Muhamad Hariyanto Ahmad Anas <p><em>Nursanah shop is a shop that is engaged in the perfume business in Karawang which is used to give a fragrant smell to the human body, object or room. Nursanah's shop still uses conventional methods as perfume sales report data, starting from the flow of goods in and out, sales transactions, stock searches and reports. On the basis of these problems, the author aims to design a perfume sales information system at Nursanah Stores using Visual Basic.Net and Microsoft Access Database with the waterfall method. This research resulted in a perfume sales information system that can be used by stores to facilitate the sales process and clear transaction reports with more precise and accurate data and information. This system is also used on one server and is not connected to the internet and can speed up the process of input, output and report generation which in turn helps, makes it easier for stores to manage the sales process as a means of meeting customer needs.</em></p> 2022-10-10T13:12:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings DESIGN OF A VB.NET-BASED PROGRAMMING-BASED CASH SYSTEM AT THE EUPHORIA PARFUME STORE 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Uswatun Hasanah Ahmad Anas <p><em>Toko Euphoria Parfume is a shop engaged in perfume business in Kosambi which is used to provide fragrant aromas for the human body. The Euphoria Parfume store still uses manual methods for the sale of perfumes, starting from the exit and entry of goods, stock of goods, transactions of goods and reports. On the basis of these problems the author aims to design a perfume sales information system in the Euphoria Parfume Store using Visual Basic.Net and Microsoft Access Database. The development of this research uses the waterfall method because this model is widely used in Software Engineering (SE) and is adapted to the needs in the Euphoria Parfume store. From this research, it produces a perfume sales information system that can be used by stores to facilitate the sales process and clear transaction reports with more precise and accurate data and information. This system is also used on one server and is not connected to the internet and can speed up the process of input, output and report generation which ultimately helps, making it easier for stores to manage the sales process as a means of meeting customer needs.</em></p> 2022-10-10T13:16:34+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings AT SMK ITENAS KARAWANG, AUTOMATIC PLANTING SYSTEM DESIGN BASED ON ARDUINO 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Ahmad Johari Ahmad Anas <p><em>The level of soil fertility can be influenced by the intensity of the water in it. Therefore we need to keep the soil moisture and temperature in good condition. Currently, watering plants manually is considered inefficient and effective because it requires a lot of energy, the length of the watering process and the inconsistent timing of watering causes a decrease in the quality of plant health. therefore researchers will try to help overcome these problems. This study discusses the design of </em><em>an Arduino Uno-based automatic plant sprinkler at SMK ITENAS KARAWANG. Researchers hope that this tool can ease the work of watering plants and get better crop yields. This automatic plant sprinkler uses RTC, Soil Moisture sensors and DHT11 to adjust the watering schedule, determine soil moisture content and plant air temperature and is equipped with a 12volt water pump to move water from the tank to the watering place. Then the information about the time, humidity level and air temperature for the sprinkler will be displayed on the LCD screen</em></p> 2022-10-10T13:21:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings Arduino-based fire detection application information system design at PT Hunga Indonesia 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Omin Ahmad Anas <p>Fires can happen anytime, anywhere, regardless of location or time. There are many ways to prevent it. One way to prevent this could be with fire alarms, fire and smoke sensors. This detector can be installed in any room so that it can respond to signs of a fire. The author conducted research using Arduino Uno as the main component in the design of a fire detection application information system. The purpose of this study is to efficiently prevent the impact of fires by using arduino-based smoke and fire sensors in order to prevent early impact of fires at PT.Hunga Indonesia. The device used is arduino uno with fire and smoke sensors, and simulates the device in a miniature room so that it can be implemented in the scope of the real world directly</p> 2022-10-10T13:26:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings Al Mumtaaz Islamic Elementary School's design for automated fish feeding apparatus is based on the Arduino Uno 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Prastiwi Sigitpurnasih Ahmad Anas <p><em>The need for fish feed is very important for breeders including catfish breeders. Currently, fish feeding is still carried out manually and scheduled by breeders. Often, the breeders forget / Less scheduled in providing fish feed, thus causing death in fish and even crop failure. Therefore, with this problem, I conducted research to help overcome the problem. This study discusses the design of an arduino Uno-based automatic catfish feed feeding tool at SD ISLAM AL MUMTAAZ. It is hoped that with the creation of this tool, breeders can be more flexible and scheduled in giving catfish feed. This feeding tool uses RCT for timers and fish feed schedulers equipped also with a DC motor as a feed spreader and also with the time displayed on the LCD screen according to the predetermined schedule.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2022-10-10T13:31:53+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings AUTOMATIC DESIGN OF PRODUCT SEPARATION CONVEYOR BASED ON ARDUINO NANO-BASED COLOR AT PT. INDONESIAN JONAN 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Habib Hafidz <p>The purpose of this research is to design a prototype conveyor that can sort goods by color using the TCS3200 color sensor. The system identifies 3 colors, namely red, green, and blue. Three servo motors are used for each color. Each motor is activated by a specific color. A DC motor is also used to drive a conveyor that is used to place objects that will be identified by the color sensor. In this study, a mechanical and electronic design for sorting goods using a color sensor TCS3200, servo motors and DC motors is arranged. This sorter can sort items by red, green, and blue.</p> 2022-10-10T13:36:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings AT PT JAYASEGAR BERKAT MANDIRI, AUTOMATIC KEY SYSTEM BASED ON Arduino UNO 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Syachri Andrean Sumaya Yulia Putri <p><em>Security is a very important thing that must be owned by everyone including a company to protect assets and data owned. However, the conventional security sistem is still a security sistem that is still widely used even though this sistem has a very low level of security and is considered less practical, including PT Jayasegar Berkat Mandiri which still uses conventional security sistems. On the other hand, technology is developing very rapidly in all fields, including in the field of security, this is evidenced by the many security sistems that use microcontrollers and passwords have been found. From these problems the author tries to create a security sistem using a microcontroller as a data processor and is also equipped with a keypad to enter passwords and also this sistem will be equipped with Liquid Crystal Display as an interface to make it easier for users. Selenooid doorlock is used as an output of this sistem which allows it to open and lock electrically. This sistem was created with the aim of increasing security at PT Jayasegar Berkat Mandiri which makes a more effective and efficient security sistem and it is hoped that in the future this sistem can be used for other security needs</em></p> 2022-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings Internet of Things-based cigarette smoke detection system at SMKN 1 Tirtajaya that uses NodeMCU and the MQ2 smoke sensor, together with Telegram notifications 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Atikah Ahmad Anas <p><em>Adolescence is an age that is easily influenced and has a high curiosity like trying to smoke. Included in the school environment at SMKN 1 Tirtajaya, students often smoke in the toilet because it is considered the safest area. The author conducted research using Arduino Uno as the main component in the development of the Cigarette Smoke Detection Tool combined with the MQ-2 sensor and NodeMCU as a module used for cigarette smoke detection, and the module will notify the specified mobile phone when cigarette smoke is detected in the room. via Telegram. The results of this test are the MQ-2 sensor can detect if there is cigarette smoke in the school environment, especially in school toilets</em></p> 2022-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings ID CARD-BASED RFID-RC522 WAREHOUSE ACCESS SYSTEM AT PT. ASTRA JUOKU 2022-10-21T09:16:07+00:00 Saeful Rohman Sumaya Yulia Putri <p>In this increasingly rapid development of the times, all entry access devices began to use a technological system. one of the warehouse entrance accesses using ID CARDS because in recent months many items have been lost or stock differences, therefore a tool was made for warehouse access, only employees or Warehouse officers can enter the Warehouse area. The function of this ID CARD is not only for employee identification but can be used for various needs including as an entrance to open the warehouse door. By using the ID CARD of PT. Astra juoku Indonesia is easier and safer to access the Warehouse area, and of course avoids losing goods because foreigners can enter at any time with this system only employees can enter with an ID CARD that has been registered in the microcontroller</p> 2022-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings DESIGN OF THE YARN SALES MANAGEMENT VISUAL BASIC.NET APPLICATION IN CV. CRAVAON CREATION PERSADA KARAWANG 2022-10-21T09:16:08+00:00 Harmaka Ahmad Anas <p><em>This study aims to design a yarn sales system at CV. Cravaon Cipta Persada Karawang. The data collection method used is by conducting observations, interviews and literature studies that have a relationship with the problem being studied. While this information system application is made using the VB.Net programming language and Microsoft Access database as the database, and the system development method used is the Waterfall method. Based on the results of research conducted, the problem that hinders the sales process is because it is still done manually, making it less effective and efficient. The advice given to improve the sales information system that has been running is to replace the previous system with a new system that is more computerized to make it faster and more accurate</em></p> 2022-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF LATHE MACHINE MECHANICAL WORKSHOP STATE POLYTECHNIC OF MEDAN THROUGH STATIC GEOMETRC TEST ACCORDING TO ISO 1708 STANDARD 2022-10-21T09:16:08+00:00 Abdul Rahman Zumhari Benar <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the condition and accuracy of the lathe through static geometric tests according to ISO- 1708 standards. The tests include measuring the level of the machine base, sloping straightness towards the horizontal plane, alignment of the motion of the loosehead in the horizontal and vertical planes, accuracy of the main axis, alignment of the supporting shaft launchers to the movement of the nose spindle irregularities, alignment of the nose spindles and alignment of the main axes in horizontal and vertical directions. Tests are carried out by measuring the quality and reliability of the machine to find out how many accuracy deviations that occur in the main part of the lathe. Quality measurements using a precise measuring instrument that is the spirit level, dial indicator, micrometer, and supporting flashlight and mandrel shaft. The results achieved from this study indicate that the condition-, and the quality of the lathe Maximat V13 and the Celtic I4 lathe at the mechanical workshop have decreased. Only 50% of machines can still be operated. The components contained in each engine have been damaged and incomplete. For the number of 7 Maximat V13 lathes, the condition is not optimal, only 3 units of the machine still operate and its reliability has decreased. The results of the inspection of the main parts such as the fixed head, speed control lever, speed control lever, screw movement control lever, machine base, and longitudinal slides are still good but the other parts are damaged and incomplete. For the number of 6 Celtic14 lathe units, 3 machines were still in operation and the engine components were still complete while 3 other machines were damaged and incomplete. This machine condition will affect the quality of the products and the time of machining process practices and for producing precision products.</p> 2022-10-11T03:32:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings