• EKBIS (Ekonomi & Bisnis)

    JURNAL EKBIS (Ekonomi & Bisnis)
    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : EKBIS
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : 2339-1839
    Online ISSN : 2722-4082
    Editor-in-chief : SA'AD NOOR, DRS., M.M
    Managing Editor :
    Editor Board : Tiris Sudrartono, S.E., M.M
    Ratnanto Aditiarno.SE., M.M
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here
    Accreditation : SINTA
  • INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer)

    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : INFOKOM
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : 2339-188X
    Online ISSN : 2722-4147
    Editor-in-chief : Ardelia Astriany Rizky, S.Pd., MM.
    Managing Editor : Rina Kurniawati, S.Kom., M.T.
    Editor Board : Falaah Abdussalaam,  A.MD., S.ST., M.M.
    Seliwati, S.Kom., M.Kom
    Cecep Kurnia Sastradipraja., S.Kom., M.Kom.
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here
  • Jurnal Infokes (Informasi Kesehatan)

    Jurnal Infokes (Informasi Kesehatan)
    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : INFOKES
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : 2597-7776
    Online ISSN : 2722-4112
    Editor-in-chief : Irda Sari, S.ST., M.M
    Managing Editor : Ai Susi, S.ST., MM
    Editor Board : Maranata, S.Tr.Keb., M.KM
    Abdul Qudus, S.Kep., M.M.Kes
    Nurul Dwi Ariyani, S.KEP., M.H.KES
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here

    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : TEXTURA
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : 2722-4775
    Online ISSN : 2722-4120
    Editor-in-chief : Ratnanto Aditiarno., S.E., M.M
    Managing Editor : Nuke Dewi Utami Hamid., S.Pd., M.Hum
    Editor Board : Neneng Yuniarty, SS., M.Hum
    Widwi Handari Adji., Dra., MM
    Fuad Syakir., A.Md., S.ST., MM
    Firdaus., Drs., MM
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here

    Publisher         : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : PADMA
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : 2797-6394
    Online ISSN : 2797-3905
    Editor-in-chief : Candra Mecca Sufyana., S.Si., MT
    Managing Editor : Yulia Listianti, A.KS., M.M
    Editor Board : Falaah Abdussalaam, A.MD., S.ST., M.M.
    Dr. Hj. Ai Nunung., S.Sos., M.Ap
    Dr. Eki Dudi Darmawan., S.Pd., M.MPd., M.M
    Lukmanulhakim Almamalik., S.T., MT
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here
    Accreditation : SINTA-6
  • J-IHA (Journal of Indonesia Hospital Administration)

    J-IHA (Journal of Indonesia Hospital Administration)
    Publisher : PPT-ARSI
    Journal Abbrev : JIHA
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : - (Proses)
    Online ISSN : - (Proses)
    Editor-in-chief : -
    Managing Editor : -
    Editor Board : -
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here
  • JITS (Journal of Information Technology Student)

    JITS (Journal of Information Technology Student)
    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : JITS
    Frequency : 3 issues per year
    Print ISSN : - (Proses)
    Online ISSN : - (Proses)
    Editor-in-chief : Rini Suwartika K.,S.Kom.,M.Kom.,MTA
    Managing Editor : Rina Kurniawati.,S.Kom.,M.T
    Editor Board : Muhammad Prakarsa A.S, S.T.,S.Kom.,M.Kom
    Edi Suharto,S.Si.,M.Kom.,MOS
    Cyntia Rivatunnisa.,S.T.,M.Kom
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here
  • JEBS (Journal of Economic and Business Student)

    JEBS (Journal of Economic and Business Student)
    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : JEBS
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : - (Proses)
    Online ISSN : - (Proses)
    Editor-in-chief : Wilma Zuarko Adji, S.Sos., M.M
    Managing Editor : Euis Hernawati S.E.,M.M
    Editor Board : Jusuf Nurdin S.Si.,M.M
    Wiwi Warsiati S.E.,M.M
    Nuniek Dewi Pramanik S.E.,M.M
    Dian Candra Fatihah S.P.,M.M

    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here
  • JHMSS (Journal of Hospital Management Services Students)

    JHMSS (Journal of Hospital Management Services Students)
    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : JHMSS
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : - (Proses)
    Online ISSN : - (Proses)
    Editor-in-chief : Sani Fitriyani., Amd., ARS., S.KM., M.MRS
    Managing Editor : Nurul Dwi Aryani, S.Kep., Ners., M.HKes.
    Editor Board : Shinta Elvira., S.Tr.Keb., M.H
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here
  • JMeRS (Journal of Medical Record Student)

    JMeRS (Journal of Medical Record Student)
    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : JES
    Frequency : 3 issues per year
    Print ISSN : - (Proses)
    Online ISSN : - (Proses)
    Editor in Chief : Irda Sari, S.ST., M.M
    Managing Editor : Annisa Ulfah, S.Tr.Kes.,M.M
    Editor Board : Ade Irma Suryani.,S.ST.,M.Kes
    Febri Maryani, SST.,MKM
    Web Layout Editor : Muhamad Zaenal Iksan
    English Advisory : Neneng Yuniarty, S.S.,M.Hum
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here


  • JHAS (Journal of Health Analysis Student)

    JHAS (Journal of Health Analysis Student)
    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : JHAS
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : - (Proses)
    Online ISSN : - (Proses)
    Editor-in-chief : Andini Kusdiantini, S.Si., M.Si
    Managing Editor : Agus Sudrajat,S.Si.,M.T
    Editor Board : Restiani Alia Pratiwi, M.Si
    Ramdhan Gunawan, M.Si
    Arfa Izzati, S.Tr.Kes.,M.S.Farm
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here
  • JPhaS (Journal of Pharmacy Student)

    JPhaS (Journal of Pharmacy Student)
    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : JPhaS
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : - (Proses)
    Online ISSN : - (Proses)
    Editor-in-chief : Veny Usviany,M.Si
    Managing Editor : Apt. Meiti Rosmiati, S.S., M. farm.
    Editor Board : Apt. M.Rizky Adriansyah MH.Kes
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here
  • JPhiS (Journal of Phisioteraphy Student)

    JPhiS (Journal of Phisioteraphy Student)
    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : JPhiS
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : - (Proses)
    Online ISSN : - (Proses)
    Editor-in-chief : Ika Rahman
    Managing Editor : Wiwik Rahayu
    Editor Board : abdul kudus

    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : physioteraphy
  • Proceedings

    Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
    Journal Abbrev : Proceedings
    Frequency : 2 issues per year
    Print ISSN : 2407-1722
    Online ISSN : - (Proses)
    Advisor : Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto
    Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P
    Chairman : Dr. H. K. Prihartono AH, S.Kom., MM., MOS., CMA., MPM.
    Editor/Reviewer : Dr. Rita Zulbetti, S.Si., MM
    Mira Veranita, Dra., M.Si
    Editor in Chief : Ai Susi Susanti, A.Md.Kes., S.ST., M.M., MOS
    Citation analysis : Google Scholar
    Journal Scope : Click here