INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer) <pre><strong>JURNAL ILMIAH INFOKOM</strong> Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha<br>Journal Abbrev : INFOKOM<br>Frequency : 2 issues per year<br>Print ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2339-188X</a><br>Online ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4147</a><br>Editor-in-chief : Ardelia Astriany Rizky, S.Pd., MM. <br>Managing Editor : Rina Kurniawati, S.Kom., M.T.<br>Editor Board : Falaah Abdussalaam,&nbsp; A.MD., S.ST., M.M. <br> Seliwati, S.Kom., M.Kom <br> Cecep Kurnia Sastradipraja., S.Kom., M.Kom. <br>Citation analysis : Google Scholar<br>Journal Scope : <a href="">Click here</a></pre> en-US (Ardelia Astriany Rizky) (Rina Kurniawati) Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:36:54 +0000 OJS 60 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI SIMPAN PINJAM DAN PENENTUAN SISA HASIL USAHA DI KOPERASI KOPPU P3J BANDUNG <p><em>This study aimed to design and implement a savings, loans and surplus information system at Koperasi KOPPU P3J Bandung. This Koperasi is a business entity engaged in the field of cooperative economics, who serve members in particular in the field of savings and loans services.</em></p> <p><em>The data collection tecniques used were by interviews, observations and completed by literature study which had related with the problems. Software development methods was made using waterfall.</em></p> <p><em>From the research done, the factor that inhibited the saving and loans information system was still using the manual method and it was less effective and efficient. Therefore, in this research was made design saving and loans information system using Unified Modelling Languange </em>(UML)<em> and implemented by programming languages Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and also the Microsoft Access as a DBMS (Database Management System).</em></p> <p><em>With the existence of this application as a means of processing of items saving and loans data processing then it was expected that data processing can run fast and in an optimum order</em></p> Ardi Taryanto, Yudi Mardian Copyright (c) 2023 INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer) Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:01:54 +0000 PERANCANGAN UI/UX APLIKASI INSTRUMENT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE BERBASIS MOBILE DENGAN METODE USER CENTERED DESIGN <p><em>Mobile</em>&nbsp;aplikasi banyak dikembangkan di industri-industri saat ini karna kemudahan dan kenyamanan pengguna dalam penggunaanya.Salah satu penunjang dalam pembuatan aplikasi <em>mobile</em>&nbsp;adalah <em>user interface </em>dan <em>user Experience. user interface </em>merupakan mekanisme komunikasi antara pengguna (<em>user</em>) dengan sistem pada sebuah program, baik itu aplikasi website, <em>mobile</em>, ataupun software. PT XYZ menyadari akan pentingnya <em>user interface </em>dan <em>user Experience </em>dalam langkah awal pembuatan aplikasi dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna,<em>user Centered Design </em>&nbsp;(UCD) adalah metode dalam suatu perancangan desain yang berfokus pada kebutuhan&nbsp;<em>user </em>metode UCD digunakan dalam perancangan <em>user interface </em>dan <em>user experience </em>pada aplikasi<em>&nbsp;Instrument</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>mobile pevetive mintenance </em>dengan metode&nbsp;pengujian&nbsp;<em>Single Ease Questionnaire (SEQ) </em>sebagai bahan evaluasi&nbsp;dengan data <em>Score</em>&nbsp;Responden yang di hasilkan&nbsp;&nbsp;3% tidak sulit, 29% mudah dan 68% sangat mudah&nbsp;digunakan.</p> <p>Katakunci : Perancangan, <em>user</em><em>&nbsp;interface,</em>&nbsp;<em>user experience, mobile, Preventive.</em></p> Deden Hidayat, Imam Ma’ruf Nugroho; Yusuf Muhyidin Copyright (c) 2023 INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer) Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:43:25 +0000 DESAIN SISTEM INFORMASI REKAM MEDIS DALAM MENUNJANG TATA KELOLA KLINIS REGISTRASI PASIEN RAWAT JALAN DENGAN V-MODEL <p class="s17"><span class="s16">This study aims to</span><span class="s16"> d</span><span class="s16">esign an information system for outpatient </span><span class="s16">patients using object oriented methods. The res</span><span class="s16">ear</span><span class="s16">ch met</span><span class="s16">hod used in this study is qualitative method with descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used are by direct observation method, interview ab</span><span class="s16">ou</span><span class="s16">t </span><span class="s16">patient visit, and literature study. The software development method used is </span><span class="s16">V-Model var</span><span class="s16">iat</span><span class="s16">ion of</span><span class="s16">waterfall</span><span class="s16"> as well as in its modeling using Unified Modeling Language. From the research conducted found the followi</span><span class="s16">ng problems: (1) The process of ma</span><span class="s16">ki</span><span class="s16">ng reports of bpjs patient visits is still not optimal; (2) Frequent delays in submitting the f</span><span class="s16">ina</span><span class="s16">l repo</span><span class="s16">rt of </span><span class="s16">patient visits; The suggestions given are: (1) Making the development of Information Systems more effective and efficient;</span> <span class="s16">(2) Adding Human</span><span class="s16"> R</span><span class="s16">esources and supported by the system so that the report is done quickly and there is no delay i</span><span class="s16">n s</span><span class="s16">ubmitt</span><span class="s16">ing the final report of bpjs patient visit.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dewi Sri Nurhalimah, Yuda Syahidin; Yuyun Yunengsih Copyright (c) 2023 INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer) Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:43:45 +0000 REDESIGN APLIKASI SAMSAT MOBILE JAWA BARAT (SAMBARA) MENGGUNAKAN USER CENTERED DESIGN (UCD). <p><em>easier for people to carry out their obligations as citizens, namely paying vehicle taxes, not only that, in the application there is information about the Mobile Samsat schedule, ownership protection, and other menus related to vehicles. In the use of user experience (UX) applications and the appearance of the interface (UI) is one of the factors that affect the success or failure of the e-government system itself, questionnaires are distributed using the System usbaility Scale (SUS) and Usbaility testing methods to determine the level of usability of the application and the problems experienced by users. There are problems experienced by users when using the SAMBARA application including not appearing samling schedule, not getting a payment code to continue payment, and there is an icon that is too small on the samling info menu. This study aims to help SAMBARA application users to be more comfortable when used, In this study using the User Centered Design (UCD) method which is used as a redesign of the user interface and user experience, and System Usability Scale (SUS) as an initial usability test. This research resulted in a new SAMBARA application display and obtained an average result of SUS 74.83 and classified as grade scale B and acceptable to users.</em></p> Diki Alawi Nurfalah, Meriska Defriani; Imam Ma'ruf Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer) Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:44:26 +0000 PERANCANGAN USER INTERFACE DAN USER EXPERIENCE APLIKASI HUMAN CAPITAL BERBASIS WEB PADA PERUSAHAAN GAS XYZ MENGGUNAKAN METODE DESIGN THINKING <p><em>The Human Capital Department at XYZ Karawang Gas Company manages human/employee resources as assets that the company can invest in for a long period of time to support the progress of the company and the development of the employees themselves. As in general human capital functions, the human capital of XYZ gas company also manages all employees' interests in the company. In the method development stage, after conducting interviews with 8 employees from various departments, several notes were obtained regarding the difficulties and convenience of employees in carrying out interests related to human capital. As a further development, a research method was carried out using the Design Thinking approach to create a human capital application interface. The results of the design in the form of a prototype were demonstrated to 20 employees of the XYZ gas company as respondents. After the prototype demo, 20 respondents gave scores to 28 statements based on 10 Heuristic Evaluation principles using online form questionnaire media. Based on the processing and analysis of the results of the Heuristic Evaluation, out of 28 statements as many as 24 statement items obtaining a percentage value above 65% are classified as good and very good, or the research results in the form of human capital application design have been successfully accepted by employees. While the 4 items that are classified as good enough and not good can be recommendations for design evaluation.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: UI/UX, Human Capital, Design Thinking, Heuristic Evaluation</em></p> Dimas Aji Fuady Rokhman, Imam Ma'ruf Nugroho; Yusuf Muhyidin Copyright (c) 2023 INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer) Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:44:54 +0000 DESAIN SISTEM INFORMASI REKAM MEDIS DALAM MENUNJANG PELAPORAN SENSUS HARIAN RAWAT INAP DENGAN V-MODEL <p>This study aims to design a daily inpatient census information system. The research method was carried out using a qualitative descriptive method with a design model, while the data collection techniques were observation, interviews and literature study. Based on the research conducted, the management of daily inpatient census data has not been computerized. Therefore, a new system was created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, with My Sql database, using the v-modell software development model, so that the user, in this case, is an officer, only simply inputs data in the form provided and the data can be directly processed. so that the desired output results are obtained. The suggestions given are: 1) to make a computerized barber johnson graphic information system, which can reduce weaknesses during manual system implementation, and 2) it is necessary to plan maintenance and care for the continuous development of the system</p> Luvi Luthfia Diranti, Yuda Syahidin; Yuyun Yunengsih Copyright (c) 2023 INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer) Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:45:18 +0000 DESAIN SISTEM INFORMASI REKAM MEDIS GUNA MENUNJANG TATA KELOLA KLINIS PELAPORAN INDEKS PENYAKIT DENGAN METODE AGILE <p>This research aimed to design of outpatient disease index information system using V-Model Method and implementation with visual programming. This research use qualitative research methods with descriptive approach, with data collection techniques based on observation, interview, and literature review. In developing of this information system of outpatient disease index built using waterfall method and Data Flow Diagram (DFD) aids.<br>Problems found in this research are : (1) Data processing was done in hand writing, so the officers took a long time. (2) There was no special system of disease index computerized. (3) Making report of disease index activities manually.<br>The suggestion from writer are : (1) It needs using Standar Operating Prosedur (SOP) of disease index the writer made a draft of Standar Operating Prosedur (SOP) so that indexing activities can run continuously. (2) Adding human resources to manage of outpatient disease index. (3) It’s needs to evaluated the system and training about information system for user.</p> Purwati Hasanah, Yuda Syahidin; Erix Gunawan Copyright (c) 2023 INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer) Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:45:38 +0000 PERANCANGAN ULANG UI/UX DESIGN APLIKASI IDENTITAS KEPENDUDUKAN DIGITAL MENGGUNAKAN METODE USER CENTERED DESIGN (UCD) <p><em>Digital ID or Digital Population Identity is an important innovation by the Directorate General of Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs in Indonesia to digitize population documents and provide easy access to Indonesian citizens through their mobile phones. Although the Digital Population Identity application has gained significant popularity with a rating of 3.4 on the Play Store and thousands of user reviews, observations from user feedback have revealed several challenges that hinder users from utilizing the application according to their needs. The initial evaluation using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method indicates the need for improvements in the interface of the Digital Population Identity application, despite receiving a "Good" rating with a score of 54.13. In this study, the User-Centered Design (UCD) method was employed to redesign the UI/UX of the application, considering user needs and experiences. The results of the UI/UX design using the UCD method successfully addressed the identified issues. The addition of features such as login functionality, QR code verification via email, automatic face verification, document download, and a redesign of the application's interface significantly improved the final evaluation score to 76.5 with an "Excellent" rating. This indicates that the implemented enhancements have successfully improved the application's interface and better meet user needs.</em></p> Tendy Ilhamudin Firdaus, Meriska Defriani; Candra Dewi Lestari Copyright (c) 2023 INFOKOM (Informatika & Komputer) Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:46:02 +0000